Petroglyph MedPartners
Petroglyph MedPartners

Welcome to Petroglyph MedPartners

Inpatient Medicine Is Changing

Healthcare organizations are keenly aware of the changes occurring in hospital reimbursement. With the arrival of ACOs, DRG-based commercial insurance, bundled payments, and declining Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, hospitals are becoming cost centers. This rigorous financial climate demands innovative ideas that promote efficiency, eliminate waste, and align healthcare providers with the goals and needs of the institution. Optimal patient flow is a key factor in reducing costs, and various hospital disciplines must synchronize seamlessly for hospitals to thrive in this new financial environment.

What We Do

Petroglyph MedPartners helps hospitals transform traditional inpatient care into a patient-centered, multidisciplinary, team-based model that emphasizes patient flow. The Petroglyph Model is based on Lean Six Sigma principles that reduce waste and improve efficiency by standardizing communication between hospitalists, care managers, nurses, therapy professionals, pharmacists, and other ancillary staff. Hospitals that implement the Model can realize cost reduction by modifying processes that influence average length of stay, bed capacity, and variable costs. Additionally, the Petroglyph Model can have a powerful impact on hospital culture: the relationships created through our team-based approach produce a synergy between team members that keeps staff engaged and focused on high-quality care built around patients. Better communication, efficiencies, and staff engagement can translate into substantial value for the organization and the patients it serves.